Proposal preparation
Assistance and advice is given on the conception and structure of your proposal. SCIPROM will support you in your project preparation, including the construction of the project consortium, practical help in proposal writing and in the administrative aspects of the project. We help you address the research policies that are at the origin of the targeted call.
Grant negotiations with the EC
After the project is approved by the EC, we assist with the grant preparation and give full support in negotiations with the project work plan and the budget. We complete the Grant Preparation Forms(GPFs) integrating the input from all partners and manage the elaboration of the consortium agreement based on the partners' feedback.
Project management
Integrated as a managing partner in your consortium, we undertake the burden of project administration, from the preparation of the first 'kick-off' meeting to the last scientific report and financial audit. You are fully supported in the dissemination and knowledge management for a successful transfer of science to market. See Projects for an overview of our current and finished projects.
Web & print design
SCIPROM has extensive in-house knowledge in the creation of project websites incl. custom-made collaboration platforms and dissemination material (brochures, flyers). See Web and print design for more information.
Our customised project collaboration tools include (i) tracking the status of milestones and deliverables in a timeline, (ii) data exchange platforms and file repository, (ii) events list and calendar, (iv) dedicated consortium meeting and reporting pages hosting all relevant documents and information, (v) contact details of partners and other customised tools such as a wiki or a forum as needed. We maintain consortium mailing lists and organise web-conferences.
Our customised project collaboration tools include (i) tracking the status of milestones and deliverables in a timeline, (ii) data exchange platforms and file repository, (ii) events list and calendar, (iv) dedicated consortium meeting and reporting pages hosting all relevant documents and information, (v) contact details of partners and other customised tools such as a wiki or a forum as needed. We maintain consortium mailing lists and organise web-conferences.
Consulting & courses
SCIPROM keeps you informed, gives you practical advice and organises courses for its clients to become familiar with EC procedures.
Event management
Conferences and workshops incl. e-payment, catering, website, promotional material
SCIPROM offers strategies and management for a wide range of research events (conferences, workshops, ...). We may provide a full service or targeted partial support, individually answering your specific needs:
SCIPROM offers strategies and management for a wide range of research events (conferences, workshops, ...). We may provide a full service or targeted partial support, individually answering your specific needs:
- Online registration and payment
- website design, hosting and maintenance/update
- promotional material
- professional editing and publishing; proceedings
- organisation of abstract submission and poster session
- badge production
- venue and catering, hotel pre-booking