
DYLAN - Language Dynamics and Management of Diversity

DYLAN - Language Dynamics and Management of Diversity, was a pilot Humanities project in FP6, running for 5 years from October 2006 to September 2011. With its 20 partners, it was the first project of this dimension ever to be financed by the European Commission within the human sciences. SCIPROM collaborated closely with the coordinator Anne-Claude Berthoud (University of Lausanne) and the whole consortium, from the project’s first draft to its final results.

In a European context with a growing number of languages being spoken all over its countries, is multilingualism an asset we can exploit to increase integration, creativity and innovation or it rather works as a brake to an efficient understanding and thus decreasing productivity?

Seeking an answer to this fundamental question, the DYLAN consortium - with the help of SCIPROM - finally developed four different products, each one specifically intended to disseminate its results to a particular audience.

The DYLAN Book (in preparation), and the DYLAN Prestige Series are scientific volumes, addressing the academic and specialized audience. They are edited by the Project Coordination Team (PCT), written both by the PCT itself and the DYLAN partners and peer reviewed.

The DYLAN Booklet is a short journalistic publication, addressing a wider public. The DYLAN stakeholders in business, higher education and European institutions and elsewhere will find the project results summarized by the PCT in 36 pages, designed and printed by SCIPROM.

Finally, for the “general public”, comes a set of 40 postcards (designed by SCIPROM as well), each one representing a key aspect or finding of the project.

This dissemination effort, altogether with the great work carried out by some 60 researchers DYLAN embraced, was worth the appraisal “a very good project” the European Commission stated in its final evaluation.