Health EU – Human avatars to prevent and cure diseases: Proposal enters next stage of competition
The Health EU proposal is supported by the European Commission and has received an invitation from the European Commission to enter the next stage of the competition to become an EU Flagship for Future and Emerging Technologies.
Imagine a revolution in personalized healthcare and disease prevention system in Europe, based on human avatars of healthy individuals and patients for the prevention, interception and cure of disease. Nothing less is the aim of Health EU (healthy you!), an advanced FET Flagship multidisciplinary research initiative in Europe aiming for a paradigm shift to healthcare and for a future sustainable healthcare system.
SCIPROM is proud to be part of this consortium.
For more information about the project please refer to the Health EU website.
If you wish to be part of our Health EU Project or just to manifest your support to our idea, don't hesitate to contact us using our support form!
From Horizon 2020 to Horizon Europe
"It is hard to overestimate the importance of naming something. The very act itself captures hopes and expectations, and it marks the first step on the road to the future."
These thoughts were front of mind of the EC when deciding the new name for the ninth European framework programme for research and innovation, announced today: Horizon Europe.
"Horizon, because our brand means excellence. Over the past few years, the name "Horizon 2020" has sent a clear message across the globe: excellence. We have built a global reputation as a world leader in research and innovation programming, and it is for this reason that we believe the successor to Horizon 2020 should capitalise on this strong brand name. With Horizon Europe, we are enacting an evolution not a revolution. Building on the success of the past is putting our best foot forward for the future.
Europe, because we are proud of our collective strength. In Europe, as we face a period of poly-crises – economic, political and social – EU added value is important, now more than ever. Individually as Member States we are strong, but together as 27 our research and innovation potential is untold. The name "Horizon Europe" also speaks to our pride, because our Union is something we should be infinitely proud of. Too often we focus on the negative at a time when we should be celebrating our achievements. But with this new name we usher in an era of shouting about the EU as a success story.
Above all, by bestowing the name Horizon Europe on the next framework programme, we are bridging the past and the future of research and innovation in Europe. "
Source: Blog post Carlos Moedas
Switzerland and the SME instrument
Swiss SMEs continuously perform well!
In the latest round of the SME Instrument phase 1, a total of 22 Swiss Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) received funding. The European Commission (EC) received 2009 proposals and selected 257 Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) that will receive €12.65 million in the latest round of the phase 1 SME instrument. Out of those 257, Switzerland is well represented with 22 SMEs receiving funding. The companies will receive a lump-sum of €50'000 to conduct a feasibility study. Moreover, they will receive 3 days of business coaching. Taking into account all the 10 cut-off rounds of the phase 1 SME instrument since Switzerland’s full participation in Horizon 2020 on 1 January 2017, 58 Swiss SMEs received in total €2.9 million. Only Spain, Italy and Israel have more SMEs that were selected.
In the phase 2 of the SME instrument, which aims at financing more advanced innovation activities such as demonstration, testing, piloting and scaling up, only one Swiss company receive funding so far. A detailed overview about all the companies that were selected can be found in the recently launched EIC SME Instrument data hub.
The next cut-off dates to apply for the next rounds of the SME instrument are 3 May 2018 for phase 1 and 23 May 2018 for phase 2.
Source: Swisscore