Two new EC consultations to provide Input regarding Horizon Europe
One consultation is on the Horizon Europe Strategic Plan, the other consultation on the five Horizon Europe Missions. Have your say and provide input until mid September 2020!
1. A consultation on the Horizon Europe Strategic Plan: Over the last months the different elements of the Strategic Plan for Horizon Europe have been prepared together with Member States and EEA countries in A Shadow Programme Committee Strategic Configuration. The preparations were based on the ‘Orientations towards the first strategic plan for Horizon Europe’ published in January 2020, the strategic priorities of the EC and the legal base of Horizon Europe and should result in key strategic orientations and desired impacts for the programme.
The current consultation should aim at broadening the ownership of the Strategic Plan among a wide range of stakeholders as well as translate the directionalities of the plan into the work programme preparations. The online consultation is open to everyone and you can provide input to the different clusters of the second pillar of Horizon Europe by indicating how much you agree on the value of an R&I contribution to a certain desired impact. A second set of questions relates to the interlinkages between different elements of Horizon Europe. The consultation will close on Friday, 18 September 2020.
2. A call to share your ideas for the five Horizon Europe Missions: Mission boards of 15 experts each have been working on first suggestions for concrete missions in the five areas of Climate, Cancer, Healthy Soils, Healthy Oceans and Smart and CO2-neutral Cities over the past months. The mission board presented their interim reports at the end of June 2020. Final reports are due for the R&I Days. A call to share your ideas for potential goals and activities of the mission has now been launched online. You can add your ideas in free text and support the ideas of others. The call will close on Monday,14 September 2020.
Source: Euresearch - Thanks, Sasha!