"The world in 2025" - Report of the EC foresight expert group available
Recently, the "Foresight expert group (FEG)" set up by the European Commission in 2008 has published its results:
Their report entitled “The World in 2025” first underlines the major future trends: geopolitical transformations in terms of population, economic development, international trade or poverty.
Secondly, it elucidates the tensions: natural resources (food, energy, water and minerals), migrations or urbanisation.
Lastly, transitional pathways have been drawn: towards a new production and consumption model, towards new rural-urban dynamics, towards a new gender and intergenerational balance.
In summary, the sub-title of this publication “Rising Asia and socio-ecological transition” is explicit and is meant to be an inspiring source for the future strategy of the European Union.
The full report can be downloaded on the website of the FP7 thematic field “Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities” (SSH).