IMI2: New Call for proposals to be launched on 22 January! Sign up for webinars!

The Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI2) will launch their next call for proposals, Call 17 on 22 Jan 2019. 

The following topics are under consideration for inclusion in this next IMI Call for proposals.

- Optimising future obesity treatment
- Open access chemogenomics library and chemical probes for the druggable genome
- Intelligent prediction and identification of environmental risks posed by human medicinal products

These topics are now at an advanced stage of development and these drafts shall allow potential applicants to start working actively on proposals and forming consortia. Nevertheless, these topics must still be approved by the IMI Governing Board. The final topic text may differ from the draft versions published, and applicants should always base their proposals on the final, approved topic texts which will be published when the Call is officially launched.

In preparation of this call, IMI-JU organises webinarsfrom 23 to 31 January 2019.

All webinars on the Call topics will feature a presentation by the EFPIA topic coordinator and time for questions and answers. The webinars represent an excellent opportunity to learn more about the Call topics, interact directly with the topic coordinators, and get in touch with potential project partners.

The webinar on IMI’s rules and procedures will include presentations of IMI's intellectual property policy and tips on the preparation of proposal submissions. IMI will also hold a dedicated webinar for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This will cover elements of the different Call topics that may be of particular relevance for SMEs, as well as a presentation of IMI’s rules and procedures with a focus on aspects that are most important for SMEs.

Source: IMI-JU