Innovative Health Initiative: Call for Members of the Science and Innovation Panel
Friday, 4 February, 2022
Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) seeks scientific and health experts who want to represent the scientific and wider healthcare communities in its new Science and Innovation Panel.
The role of this panel is to advise on the direction of IHI's future priorities, taking into account the views of different stakeholders, as well as shaping further calls for proposals.
Now, IHI has launched an open call for candidates for this Science and Innovation Panel:
- 4 representatives of the scientific community, including technology research
- up to 6 representatives of stakeholders involved in health care, such as patients, health care professionals, health care providers, regulatory bodies, health technology assessment bodies and health care payers.
Details of the tasks of the panel and how to apply can be found here. Deadline for application: 21 February 2022.
Sources: IHI, Euresearch