Swiss Transitional Measures for Horizon Europe

The Swiss Federal Council has decided to provide funding for transitional measures to replace Horizon Europe 2022 call. Repeating transitional measures taken in 2021, the Federal Council decided on 4 May 2022, that participants will continue to receive funding from the Confederation for accessible 2022 calls for proposals.

The Swiss National Science Foundation will be mandated to put national measures in place for the ERC Advanced Grant and the Marie Sklodowska Curie (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowship. These grants will align with both the ERC and MSCA conditions and regulations as closely as possible.

Furthermore, if Switzerland remains a non-associated country, the Federal Council has also provided for the possibility of funding transitional measures in 2023 (for the ERC StG, CoG and AdG, and the EIC Accelerator).

Sources: Euresearch, Swiss Federal Council