H2020 Work Programme 2018-2020 launched today!
The Work Programme 2018-2020 of Horizon 2020 was launched by the European Commission today.
Horizon 2020 is the largest multinational programme dedicated to research & innovation and it is "open to the world". This means that researchers, universities, research organisations, companies and non-governmental organisations from across the globe can apply to participate in the activities of the Work Programme carried out mainly through calls for proposals.
For your information and further dissemination, please check the EC Press Release.
If you are interested to apply, consult the Horizon 2020 participant portal. The detailed topic descriptions, call conditions and budget information for any of these calls can be found there.
If you have any questions regarding the 2018 calls or if you are looking for support in view of submitting a Horizon2020 project in 2018, do not hesitate to contact us. SCIPROM will be happy to support you from your first idea to the final project report and be on your side all along the project duration.
Sources: EC, Euresearch